One good thing about Lebanon: it’s infrastructure.

One good thing about Lebanon: it’s infrastructure.
Only 2 months ago Beirut was in a drought and we were buying water at $40 a pop to wash and clean. Ironically, now, and maybe because of the quality of our infrastructure, it has been raining for two hours and the streets are flooding, cars are drowning and water is left running un-invested or unnoticed.

You see the reason we got into $53 billion worth of debt in the first place was to fix the infrastructure, after the long 15 years of our beloved civil war. But then Hariri and co decided to profit; so there was none left for the infrastructure. Instead Harirism built downtown Beirut for us to watch from a distance, for us to be enslaved in, and ultimately, for us to pay for. Honestly, don’t get angry fellow Lebanese, Beirut was built to keep us away from Beirut and it was made for petrodollars from petrodollars but never for you my miserable Lebanese fellow.

You are so much in denial and you know it but you would rather deny the denial you live through, and this is how “civilized” you are.

Hamra on the street graffiti

One thought on “One good thing about Lebanon: it’s infrastructure.

  1. “Beirut was built to keep us away from Beirut and it was made for petrodollars from petrodollars” … great line.


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